Thursday, June 25, 2009

You look so Familiar

I haven’t written anything in a while. After a criticism cut too close to me I lost some of the pleasure of it all. After reading The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton, I feel a little better. I am anxious to start again.

I enjoy and appreciate all the people who’ve told me they miss this blog. It’ll never be truly gone because it is beyond me to keep things, thoughts, ideas to myself. This part of my writing is a simple release. I do it to express a thought that’s important to me, or to explore an idea or situation that I found funny. It is not to be taken too seriously.

If you can’t read what I write with that thought in mind, I would prefer you didn’t read it at all.

SO! Here’s a recap of the last few months. We took a trip to Spain, which was fabulous, yes, I did find the Worlds Best Chocolate Cake and it was actually the BEST!

The kid’s school year ended with one finishing kindergarten and one finishing 2nd grade.

They are now on summer break and bored to tears. They ask me for a snack every five minutes and pick a fight with each other every ten.

We got a new rabbit that looks a lot like an Ewok. Her name is Gracie.

Much to my surprise, the man-eating dog got along fabulously with the dog-sitting-man during our trip to Spain.

Our old yellow lab is still holding on, although DH reminds me everyday he won’t make it much longer. Course, he’s been saying this for a few years now so I don’t really listen.

I allowed my hairdresser to add many, MANY more blond streaks to my hair in an attempt to jolt DH and get his undivided attention. I called and told him I’d gone blond. When he got home he said, “It’s not really blond.” That was the end of that conversation…

The best conversation I’ve had in a while was with my best friend’s FIL (Father In Law). They came over to my house for lunch while they were in town visiting. We were sitting in my living room chatting when he looked at me intently and said, “You look so familiar.”

Me: “I think I have a familiar face, people tell me that all the time.”

FIL: “Well I watch that show on HBO called the Bunny Ranch.”

Me: “Huh?”

FIL: “Did you ever work in Vegas?”

It took me about 30 seconds to realize he just asked me if I’d ever worked as a prostitute in Vegas. I smiled, as MIL stuttered, “NO! She looks like Jill Taylor.”

FIL: “Who the hell is Jill Taylor?”

MIL: “You remember Tim the Tool Man’s wife?”

This is the reason you don’t invite anyone else’s in-laws to your house… ever.

Other than that, it’s been pretty quiet around here. DH and I will be celebrating 10 years in Aug. I am also looking forward to both my kids being in school full time. DH will be working from home now, which leads to lots of fun phone conversations to the basement. I will be sure to keep you apprised.