Monday, December 29, 2008

The Power of the Blog!

Let me start by saying, I feel bad. Really, I do.

I was raised Catholic and the guilt sneaks up on you at mysterious times like these...

Cat is gone.

Friday night, Good dog was having a bad night. He was pretty crippled up and Hubby and I were having a hard time. We thought maybe this was the end. He couldn't get comfortable, the arthritis is now affecting his front shoulders so he can't lift his head. He was really having a terrible time.

At some point, Cat goes out. No big deal. Cat is an outside cat. We've seen this bad boy back down even the biggest foxes in the neighborhood. He has no fear and often brings home his kill to share. I hardly paid any notice to the fact he was out.

So, a day goes by... then two... no cat. Dog is feeling better. The miracle of drugs. ***SLIGHT Side bar*** Hubby still doesn't like the idea that we are paying for expensive drugs to mask the effects of the arthritis in Good dog. Don't get me wrong, he LOVES this dog. He just thinks we are paying a ton on band aids, knowing full well we can't fix him. Makes you wonder... what happens when I need expensive medications? Think he'll want to put me down too?

ANYWHO... (my favorite word of late, can ya tell?) Today, I think... hmmm... cat's been gone a while now. Wonder where he is? I decide to search the perimeter for signs of a struggle. No fluff or cat bones, no blood, nothing. Checked the snow tracks trying to see something out of the ordinary, nothing, dog prints, deer prints everything checks out. Couldn't find my CSI Kit to check for fingerprints, so I gave up. Surely he'll come back.

I go from my yard to the mailbox where I receive an ominous looking letter from the neighbor. Dear Neighbor, Just want to inform you, I saw TWO Mountain Lions circling your house on Saturday night. Please keep pets and children inside.

Wow! Too late for that little bit of advice...

Hubby still thinks he might come back. Please! I'm not the brightest bulb, but cat missing, plus two mountain lions, does not equal happily ever after.

I broke the news to the kids. One cried. The other asked if we could get another cat. I'm not falling for that again.

I know this sounds terrible, I seriously feel bad for not liking him in the first place, but I can rest assured tonight he won't jump out and bite me from under the bed.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Defeat of Desperaux

I have no business writing right now. I should be baking and wrapping and cleaning and cooking and generally getting ready for the whirlwind that’s Christmas. But, alas… I must. Besides, I’ve made myself a promise not to flip out this year. The year of the ESPN Game Station taught me that…but THAT’s another story.

The kids and I just returned from seeing The Tales of Desperaux. I have to admit I am flummoxed by it. The movie was really not much like the book and some of the decisions that were made, to make it (I am assuming) more “Theatrical”, make no sense at all.

Why did they have to change the chef from a woman to a man? What in the world was with the vegetable man?? Some of the choices that were made took this story from an incredible fairy tale complete with princesses and heroes to a confusing, crazy tale.

I need someone that didn’t read the book, but has seen the movie, to comment. Did you like it at all? This was one of the best books I’ve read in a while. The story line was more subtle in the book. Although, the author did often talk directly to the reader, I don’t think she said it quite so plainly as in the movie.

The story is that of grief, how great an emotion it is, and how it leads from one reaction to another, affecting more people than you can realize. Then, BIG STORY SPOILER, how forgiveness is the only emotion greater. They did get this moral across but not without flat out SAYING it in the movie.

My kids were mad about the cat, no cat in the book, and it seemed the Kitty saved the day more than Desperaux did, and I’m pretty sure the rats were never going to eat the princess. Who by the way was never called by her name in the movie. She was just “the Princess”.

I was pretty excited to go see this movie today, and if you can’t already tell, pretty disappointed in the outcome. People you need to READ THE BOOK!! Read it to your kids, read it to yourself, just read it. Then let me know what you think. I can’t imagine that the author, Kate DiCamillo is happy with the outcome. I’d actually love to hear what she thinks.

Okay, that’s my rant for today, I have high hopes for “Bolt” and “Bedtime Stories” we’ll see how those turn out. Back to making Christmas “Happen” for my family. Isn’t it great how magical it appears when really it’s a TON of work. That’s another blog too…

Monday, December 15, 2008

Buttery Christmas Bliss

You know the Christmas season has officially gone into full swing when you’ve gone to one of those present exchange games and come home with the Naughty, Naughty Christmas Kit.

My party was last Friday. It was our Desperate Housewives Christmas gift exchange and let me tell you those women can shop! The gifts were so great!! There were 30 some ladies all dressed in their holiday outfits~ sparkles and glitter all around. Everyone brought a yummy treat to share and there was of course a little libation pouring as well.

I have never been to one of the DH events (that’s not really what they call it, it’s the Mothers Group, but I like my title better). So, I only knew about half of the gals that attended. The hostess is a very good friend and she flicked me…hard… when I wavered about going. SO I WENT! And I’m so glad I did.

After the gals ate a bit and chit chatted a little catching up and meeting one another, it was time for the game to begin. You know how it’s played, if you don’t you must not get invited to parties much… in any case, I picked number 3! Not a very good pick. This number guarantees you will be choosing more than one gift and probably going home with a stinker.

I picked a beautiful white angel that was very quickly stolen. Not long after my pick, a lovely older woman, whom I don’t know, chose her gift. She unwrapped the Naughty, Naughty Christmas Kit. I honestly don’t know this lady’s age but I’m here to tell you she probably wouldn’t know what to do with the fuzzy red handcuffs or the step-by-step instructional guide. I am pretty sure that ship had sailed…

As the game played on, I had for a moment, a lovely set of Christmas plates, and then once again stolen my angel back. The entire time I was waiting for someone who knew this lovely gal to take the Naughty Christmas gift and give her another shot. Out of all of the incredible gifts of the night only two were of sexual nature. How is it that one of them was chosen by the oldest member of the group?

Finally, my turn came up again as someone stole my angel for the third time. I had a momentary flash of my grandma in the fuzzy red handcuffs and after a stiff shot of something one of the gals brought (buttery nipple babies???) knew what I had to do. I stole the Naughty Christmas gift from Grandma. The entire room erupted, all singing my praises for my selfless act, saving Christmas for this little old lady. If they only knew how happy hubby was when I came home with my gift.

After that the party really started, Hostess with the Mostest opened the package and began reading the instructional guide. Little helpful tips like, “Sensuality is a must in any romantic relationship and believe it or not, the skin is the body’s largest organ, which makes it the most important part of your sensuality!” Grandma fainted, and more of the buttery shots went around.

Next thing I knew I was handcuffed to Hostess. I laughed so hard I peed my pants, and somehow the entire night passed in a butter shot blur. The Hostess ate an entire plate of cream cheese with jelly and in fact almost kicked someone’s ass for trying to throw it out. (I later heard from her that butter shots and cream cheese with jelly really isn’t a good idea and should be remembered as such in the future.)

At one thirty in the morning, my darling designated driver dropped my buttery butt home. I crawled into my bed next to hubby mumbling something about pictures of me handcuffed to Hostess posted on the Internet and fell asleep in Christmassy bliss! Fabulous, Fabulous party! SO happy that I attended and no matter how selfless you think I was being that night, the Naughty, Naughty Christmas gift will be the present I remember the most of 2008!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Scattered Leaves

I’ve been feeling really scattered lately. My household has been sick. First it was my kids and then they transferred all those yummy germs to me. Today is the third day I've been under the weather, it’s almost 9pm and I still feel like I’ve been run over by the virus bus. When the kids are sick, nothing gets done. They want to snuggle on the couch and watch movies together. They want me to be near them.

I tried very hard to be in the moment. To appreciate that time with them, knowing it won’t always be that way. When they get a bit bigger it will be about being alone, to themselves, probably in their rooms. A little older still and they will have friends, and loved one’s to take care of them, it won’t always be me they’re asking for, so I did my best to forget the laundry piling up and the dishes and dinners, and I held them and watched movies and I let them cough in my face…

Now they are in their beds, it’s quiet in my house and I am trying to find the little piece of me that I like the most, the creative piece. The one that works to see through things and understands things through the words that pile up on the page.

I always feel scattered when I haven’t been writing for a while. It’s back to the basics. I need to get back on track. There is a song on my iPod, it’s sung by Bo Bice but it’s a remake. I love it! It’s called “I Don’t Want to Be.” The lyrics are “I don’t want to be anything other than what I’ve been trying to be lately. Part of where I’m going, is knowing where I’m coming from. All I have to do is think of me and I’ve got piece of mind. I don’t want to be anything other than me.”

I think of these lyrics a lot, I love to run to this song. It motivates me. I really do want to be exactly who I’ve been trying to be lately. I still do, totally stupid things, say stupid things, and I am the type of person that really obsesses over those things. For day’s I berate myself for something I said, or how I said it or what I THOUGHT you thought about what I said. It’s really ridiculous. My first battle is always to forgive myself for not being perfect. For sometimes saying the wrong thing.

But the truth is, I wouldn’t really change anything about myself. I know that life is what you make of it and I make an effort everyday to at least enjoy my journey. I am typically a pretty happy person. It takes a lot to tick me off and most of the time when I am mad, it’s more at myself than anyone else. I am reminded quite often that the journey is a short one.

My iPod is now playing Barenaked Ladies ~ “If I Had A Million Dollars.” This one’s pretty motivating too!

If I had a million dollars I’d build a tree fort in our yard.

If writers listen to music to motivate themselves what do you suppose musicians do to motivate themselves?

Anywhootie… the basics…

Living well, becoming the person I intend to be, finding peace and solitude among the many errands that I cherish, forgiving myself for my imperfectness, enjoying the journey… what else is there?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Are you my Soul Mate?

I believe in soul mates. A group of us talked about this last night at a party. Most people had the opposite opinion. How can it be that we have only one person that is meant to be? Surely it’s more about the work you do to stay in touch and in love.

Wikipedia says, “Soulmate is a term sometimes used to designate someone with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, friendship, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and/ or compatibility.

I like this definition. This definition is not so much about the person we are meant to be with and marry, as it is about two people that immediately like and admire each other. I’ve had this with a few people not all of them I chose to marry.

Wade is the person I am supposed to be married to. I didn’t know this immediately. In fact, I walked down the aisle with great doubt. Over the years I have grown to know and love this man like no other. I know he is my soul mate.

But I have other soul mates that are equally important to me. My sister is one of them. I didn’t choose her and she didn’t choose me but we’ve been tied to each other through this life and I know she makes a difference. I enjoy having her in my daily life and I know I wouldn’t be the same without her as my confidant. I have a deep affinity, a friendship and love for her.

I have also had friends and even acquaintances with whom I’ve felt the same. It’s someone you meet and just know you like them immediately. You look in their eyes and feel something familiar, something comfortable. Sometimes that develops into a great long lasting friendship, sometimes they are in my life for a short time and then they’re gone. Either way, I value the moments I’ve had with them and know I have met someone I was supposed to meet.

I really like the idea that these are the people who travel through time with us. Soul Mates are the ones that we find from one life to the next. That’s why they feel familiar. We’ve known them before.

So do I believe in soul mates? Yep… sure do, I believe if we are lucky, we pick one to marry, but they are also the family members we are the closest to, as well as the friends and acquaintances we connect with in our lives.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Beware of CAT!

I haven't been posting lately because I use my procrastination time on FaceBook now. Nothing like Flinging Food or throwing virtual snow balls to keep you off track. Love it.

Anywho... dog is fine. Seems he has nine lives. At least I'm hoping so. Popped the little barker full of pain killers for a few days and the next thing you know he's off roaming the neighborhood.

Cat on the other hand is walking a very thin line. Some of you may know this about me... I'm not exactly a cat lover, at least not this cat. He bites. Hard. For no apparent reason. He is totally an outside cat and, the one upside, loves to eat mice. Now that it's getting cold outside, snow and all that, he's spending more and more time inside. Biting me.

I can't tell you what it's like to live with an animal by choice that sneak attacks you around corners to sink his sharp little feline teeth into your ankle. I shake my leg as hard as I can and the vicious beast still won't let go.

Lately, he's taken to sleeping on my bed. It's like having a wicked, little, attack dog, lying in wait. Hmmm... how can I sneak past and slip in to the covers without him noticing? His ears fold back, the first sign of the attack, then he hisses at you... okay, I'll sleep on the couch, you have the bed.

My neighbor just sent me an email to let me know her attack cat died the other morning. Luck would have it the little darling had kidney failure and dropped dead on the floor of a stroke. Anyone know how I can get my cat to do that?

Besides hating my cat, we're just gearing up for the holidays. I love my 13 foot tree! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy every time I look at it. The snow is falling as I write this, creating the perfect snowy, do nothing, day. I like to wander out to my sun room when it's snowing. I look around and pretend I live in a snow globe.

We're also busy building lasting memories for the kiddos. We let them sled in the dark the other night. Now my little one has a beastly cold, but the doctor assures me it wasn't the night air. (tell my mother-in-law!)

I think I'll go make fudge after I write this. I realize it's a few weeks early, but if I have to, I can always make a second batch! Please let me know if anyone is looking for a cat for Christmas I have the perfect little Scrooge to fit the bill.