Friday, August 28, 2009


I received an email today from my 8-year-old’s teacher. She said that she loves his sense of humor and his positive outlook. I love hearing this. I remember my father-in-law and myself having a conversation when he was little about whether a positive attitude was nature or nurture. I really wanted my kids to have a positive outlook on life.

DH tends to be more of a “realist” (this is a nice way for me to say he’s kind of negative). When something bad happens its because "Bad things ALWAYS happen to him." He expects things to go wrong. He sort of has a "Well that figures" attitude.

I am DH's exact opposite. He calls me Pollyanna. I'm pretty sure that came from my mother. We read a book called Pollyanna written by Eleanor H. Porter when I was a kid. Pollyanna was an orphan who lived with her aunt. Her aunt was sort of mean and nasty, but Pollyanna played a game her father taught her to always find the bright side of things. There have been a few times in my life when I lost my Pollyanna. The funny thing is DH always reminds me, "Where's my Pollyanna?" He sees it as me being sort of naive to the world, always expecting the best, but he also sort of counts on me to be that way.

My son was very much like his dad when he was little. Everything was VERY dramatic! If something went wrong it was the end of the world. He's gotten a lot better as he's gotten older. He lives more on the "Bright Side" now.

We play a game at dinner where the kids have to tell me the best and the worst part of their day. They both ALWAYS have a best, or TWO or THREE to share. The worst is always funny. At least to me…

My 6-year-olds worst, “The fire alarm went off at school today and it scared me and made me cry.”

My son, “They told us over the intercom it was going to happen.”

Daughter, “I know, but it scared me.”

My son’s worst almost always involves some sport. He didn’t make the catch on recess or some total mishap…

“I went to the bathroom and spilled water on my pants so I tried to dry it and it took a long time so I didn’t get my work done and I had to miss a minute of recess to finish.”

I love my kids. I believe they will both end up being a bit more like me in the end. I laugh at everything and try and tell them there’s always a bright side. Who wouldn’t choose that over being a naysayer? I think I'll try and find Pollyanna and read it to them... AND I’m still working on DH too, but don‘t tell him, he hasn‘t realized it yet!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Makin' Plans

The weekend’s here and I feel a little need to let loose!

Lately, I’ve been feeling a little tense. School started, so there’s homework every night, and it hasn’t gone very smooth. My eight year old is a great kid. Really great! BUT, he has this unique ability to find the easiest way out of every situation that should involve hard work. We are struggling with the lesson that it’s important to do things the right way, the FIRST time. I am meeting with his teacher this afternoon, just to give her the 411 on his “talents”.

That, and the whole volunteering thing stresses me out! My town could give any soap opera a run for it’s money on the level of drama associated with the school. When I even begin to think about PTO meetings and fundraisers, I break out into a cold sweat and start pacing the room like a caged animal. I’ve often thought it would be fun to write about the women of Larkspur… there certainly is plenty of material, but I’m afraid my house would be burned to the ground and my children voted off the island.

So, my plan for the new year is to sit with my mouth shut and my hands folded gently in my lap. I can hear you all laughing at me in my head… I realize I have trouble keeping my mouth shut… I said, it’s my PLAN! I do realize sometimes plans just don’t work out… I’m still working on plan B. I’ll let you know about that when I figure it out.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Creepy Van Guy

Thanks to this years budget cuts, our new bus stop is nearly a mile from our house. Being the FABULOUS mom that I am, I make the kids walk it every morning. I actually pick them up in the car after school, cuz I think they’re probably tired, but in the morning I think a little walking is good for them. Yesterday, on our walk to the bus, a creepy looking guy in a white van pulls up next to us and rolls down his window.

Creepy grin, “No school today?”

“No, we have school. Just walking to the bus stop.” I reply.

Creepy guy looks at my kids and asks, “Do you want a ride?”

8-year-old son, “YEAH!”

Me, in shock and horror, “No thank you!” Staring at boy whose lost his mind!

Guy, “Opps, guess I asked the wrong one.” He drives off.

I am so surprised at first I don’t know what to say. Then I launch full on into psycho-mom, “ARE YOU CRAZY? You would take a ride from a complete stranger.”

Son: “Mom, he looked nice.”

First of all he didn’t look nice, but I realize that’s not the point. “I don’t care what he looks like, you don’t know him at all!” Then I give him the Ted Bundy example. “Ted Bundy was a really good looking guy. Totally normal looking. He would pretend he had a broken arm so women would help him and then he would throw them in the back of his van and kill them.”

Silence from the kids. Then son speaks up, “But mom, there aren’t any bad people around here.”

“Yes there are. I can guarantee you, there are bad people here too. You don’t ever EVER go with anyone you don’t know. And if someone gets out of a car and tries to grab you, you run. Fast! And scream loud!”

Son: “If someone tried to grab me or sister, I would fight him.”

I roll my eyes. “Listen to me! You can’t fight a grown man, or what if there’s two? You never let anyone get close enough to grab you, you RUN. Got it?”

He’s quiet now, I think it’s sinking in.


DH is walking with us, we get to the same spot where the guy stopped yesterday and son says, “This is the same spot where you yelled at me yesterday.”

I ask, “Well, what did you learn from yesterday?”

Son: “Bad guys drive vans.”

Yep! Stellar job parenting for me this week!! One quick note:

Dear Creepy Van Driving Guy,
Either you are a complete pedophile and I want you to GET OUT OF MY NEIGHBORHOOD, or you are a complete IDIOT! DO NOT ASK RANDOM KIDS IF THEY WANT A RIDE!! If you come around here again, I will let my eight year old KICK YOUR ASS!

I think my best bet is to NEVER let them out of my sight. This might become trouble when they want to start dating, but my job is to keep them safe. I better start saving for their therapy now.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Pearly Whites

At our school fundraiser in the Spring, I purchased a teeth whitening session from a dental office. A couple of weeks ago, I met the dentist’s wife. She is the cutest thing! Very happy and friendly, seemed to be a very positive person, until she found out I purchased the teeth whitening. Suddenly her positive, happy mood turned dark and somber.

She leaned over to me and asked, “Do you have any pain killers left over from a c-section or anything?”

“Um… no.”

“Well then you might want to hit the bottle before you come in.”


“It hurts REAL bad! Imagine being stabbed with needles every three seconds. Seriously, drink heavily before you come.”

So, I was scared. I go into the office to have my teeth cleaned and schedule the whitening. I told the Dentist his wife scared me, he shrugged his shoulders and assured me I’d be alright. He is SERIOUSLY good looking, which made me want to believe him, and I already paid for the darn thing, so I figured how bad could it be?

So today was teeth whitening day. I went in a little apprehensive, but sober. They hooked me up with a movie to distract me.

Let me interrupt this little tale to tell you, I’ve given birth to two children. One the old fashion way, and one by cutting open my stomach, and removing my guts, before yanking the baby from my body. I have had over a hundred stitches in my face from a car accident. I have a tattoo and my belly pierced and I have broken my arm, twice!


The pain shoots through your teeth into your brain at completely random moments. Dentist’s wife was right, it feels like being stabbed with a needle in the eye! The first couple of times I thought I was hallucinating, did that just happen? Then I felt my body tense waiting for the next “twinge” as the dental hygienist called it when she felt me grasp a hold of her arm in a death grip and try to jump from my chair.

“Oh, are you getting the little sensitive twinge? Yeah, those come and go. Try and relax.” She said as she strapped down my arms and legs with a happy little smile on her face.

Try and relax my ASS! It felt like I was in the chair for days! 45 minutes later I was done and running for the door. BUT, not before she told me the worse part.

“No coffee or red wine for the next 48 hours. Okay?”

WHAT?? These little TWINGES are going to last for three days and I can’t even drink my coffee or medicate with the red wine? I have now taken one of DH’s pain killers. I can barely type as I am falling asleep at the computer. I have no idea if my teeth are white or not as I am unable to smile. But, I have decided to have another baby. This time without the epidural, just so I can really judge my pain tolerance at this point. Either that or I’m getting a nipple pierced. Either way, I’m sure it’s WAY more fun than having your teeth whitened!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Duck Swallower!

Smarty Pants swallowed a duck. A WHOLE duck.

One minute everyone was fine, Smarty Pants was rafting behind the boat with DH trying REALLY hard to throw her off. The little duck was swimming around, diving for his food, thinking about watching Nemo tonight with his little ducklings… next thing you know, Smarty is tumbling through the air and smashing into the water. DH circles the boat around to fetch her, which is really nice of him… you know… not leaving her in the middle of the lake or anything, and when we arrive she is gasping and sputtering and can barely choke out the horrible truth. “I swallowed a duck!”

Man! Bad day to be a duck…
Good day to be on the boat! My stomach hurts from laughing.

Oh by the way, to all of you who want to know who my Pot Smoking Whore for a friend is... I'm not telling. And for the rest of you who may be curious, he read my post and texted me not to worry, we're still friends!! Guess he's one of them thick skin ones! Yea me! Kept a friend!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Putt Putt and Mean Girls

I’ve decided to start lying more. I think it will be better for my reputation.

This last weekend we went to our family reuinion in Albuquerque. My sister and I drove with the four kids, and DH met us there. He had been working in New Mexico so it worked out beautifully.

The reunion was SO much fun! My uncle who hosted, spent the last year building a mini putt putt course, a Bocci ball course and a Horseshoe pit, in his backyard. We had a huge family tournament on all the games, plus he hired a line dancing teacher and a DJ who played Karaoke.

My brothers were there, at least two of them were… I actually think I have three but the other one doesn’t show up much, so I get confused. My middle brother brought his new girlfriend. Apparently in the car ride to Albuquerque he was trying to describe his family to her and I got the description of “The Mean One”. Sadly, I’m not surprised!

I have a tendency to offer up my opinion often without being asked. I also “call ‘em like I see ‘em” which doesn’t win me too many points either. I think it would make my family feel a little better if they knew I do this with everyone, it’s not just my family! I also think it would be good for them to know, I’m starting to see this as a flaw.

Many times, as family and friend dynamics work, people tell lies. Little lies, to try and avoid telling someone you love they may be making a bad choice. The trouble I have with this is then all of the people who have “Saved Face” by telling you what you wanted to hear, tell everyone else- behind your back- what they REALLY THINK!

“So you’ve decided to quit your job to become a Rock Star! Wow! I really think that’s courageous! Seriously, you’re SO talented!”

“Did you hear about Jimmy joining the band? I KNOW!! One time, a fox killed something in our backyard and I seriously thought it was Jimmy making all that noise!”

I also think I have a twisted sense of humor. It gets me into trouble ALL THE TIME! I think things are funny that NO one else does. Well, that’s not entirely true. My sister and My Smarty Pants, have the same sense of humor. Hmmm… what’s that tell ya?

Two weeks ago, I called a friend of ours a “Pot Smoking Whore” to his face! My sister fell on the floor laughing, and Smarty peed her Pants! The guy… I’m not sure we’re friends anymore…

All of this has led me to some serious personal reflection. I could be nicer. I could try the path of least resistance and tell you whatever you want to hear. I would have more friends. My family would call me the “Nice One”, but here’s the rub, I like the way I am.

I think life is worth laughing over. If someone is messing with someone I love, I am FIERCELY on my loved one’s side. I have few friends, but the few I have are FUNNY (and have thick skin). They know who I am and I truly believe they like me just the way I am. They also know I want the same honesty from them (maybe with a hint of humor laced through), but if I'm screwing up, for peet's sake, somebody TELL ME!

OR… none of them really like me at all, they just say that to my face, then turn around and tell everyone behind my back that I’M THE MEAN ONE! Could be...