Thursday, October 30, 2008


320 pieces of pizza, 240 brats, 300 hotdogs, 90 Philly cheesesteaks, 100 pretzels, 140 baked potatoes, 80lbs of Nacho cheese, and ga’zillions of gallons of chili, which my dear friend Sue made!

We’re havin’ a party!! Fall Festival this weekend for our school. Great weather, tons of games and fun for the whole family, can’t wait! I’ve been busy hunting and gathering. I’m doing food for the third year. I love it. Everyone knows the party’s always in the kitchen.

I’ve also been working very hard on my costume. I know I’m blowing the surprise for my friends that read the blog, but… oh, well.

I’m gonna be Ratasuzie!! Kinda like Ratatouille, only ME! Nothin’ like havin’ a rat cook your food.

Because of this fun filled weekend, I’m starting my NaNo WriMo late. Monday’s day one, and then I’ll have to take off Tuesday for the election, pins and needles, pins and needles… then it’s full on Carpal Tunnel here we come.

Happy Halloween! And Good luck waking the kids after Day Light Savings!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

NaNo WriMo

I decided to try NaNo WriMo. Its the National Novel Writing Month contest to write 50,000 words in 30 days. I signed up this morning but it doesn't start until November 1st. I love this kind of thing. Obviously it's not going to be the best writing I've ever done, but I've been hung up lately editing myself. I spend too much time trying to rewrite the five pages I've already written and spend very little time writing new words.

This is going to force me to just shut up and write. If I don't blog much in November at least you'll know why. Every last word I can make my fingers type needs to be included in the contest. I'm so glad I started drinking coffee again... surely that'll help.
You know... I'm kinda scared.

Back to drinking Coffee

Yeah so that coffee thing.... I broke down yesterday over a Pumpkin Latte. Besides I missed my Barack Obama coffee mug.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Folklore Foul

I just received an email entitled: We learn the “truth” behind Basically the email discredits the website as fact based and states that it’s run by a husband and wife. “No big office of investigators and researchers, no team of lawyers it’s just a mom and pop shop.” It goes on to say the couple that own and operate the site are “jewish- very Democratic (party) and extremely liberal.”


My RA (Republican Aunt) recently questioned me about the validity of Apparently when the site debunks rumors about Obama it’s being biased and liberal as well. Actually, I think that every source I have used in political debates with folks from the Republican side have been questioned, ridiculed and found “Unreliable”. Funny thing is, it was a dedicated Republican that gave me the site as a valuable site for information.

I’m bothered by all of this. I have no idea if David and Barbara Mikkelson (the couple who started Snopes) are biased in their opinions. I’m not at all sure what being Jewish has to do with it!! Their web site seems to be a pretty valuable tool when trying to figure out if any random piece of information floating in the Internet atmosphere holds any truth, or not. They include on the web pages references~ the actual places they used to come up with the answer they are giving.

This reminds me of the good old days. Remember the one’s where we had to footnote things we wrote about? The days when we weren’t allowed to just make shit up? I wonder how my children will ever be able to discern any valuable information out of this mess we call the web. is funded by The Annenberg Foundation. The president and chairman of the Annenberg Foundation is Leonore Annenberg. She in fact, endorsed McCain for president on Oct. 8th. So if there is any bias coming from FactCheck it should be on the side of the Conservatives.

I realize there are few sites we can count on as unbiased and reliable. I think it’s sad that on any one thing we try to research we have to search through dozens of crazy links and decipher for ourselves the sites that seem “the most factual”.

I hate to get the emails about the missing kid (usually not true) or the one about the new US Dollar Coins that omit the motto “In God We Trust” (not true) or the 1000’s of petitions if you sign this and send it HERE you will get back $1000’s of dollars. I like the idea that I can go to a website and just check.

As a side note can I point out here that Email Petitions of any kind don’t work. If someone sends a petition out to 10 people with his name on the bottom and those 10 people sign it and send it out to 10 more, we now have 20 petitions with the same name on them. They send those out to 10 more, now 30 petition with the same name on them. I think you get the point.

Who do you think they hire to go through the millions of petitions name by name to cross of all of the signatures that are a repeat?~ If it pays well, I’ll take that job. Besides the fact that the signatures could all be fakes. No one is going to take an email petition seriously. Skip me when sending those –K?

All I can say is every thing we want to learn needs to be backed up by a somewhat reliable site – Texas Beeoches blog, is not one of those – and then common sense and reason has to be applied. Unfortunately fewer and fewer people seem to have inherited that little trait…

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Energy and NOT the Nuclear kind

My sister and I had a very interesting weekend. We spent all day Sunday at a Brian Weiss seminar. Dr. Weiss is a graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School. He is also Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami.

Dr. Weiss uses hypnosis to heal people through past life regression.

I’ve spent many days trying to process all that we experienced on Sunday. I think I am still trying to do that. I also read his book, Many Lives, Many Masters. In this first book, Dr. Weiss tells how he, as a skeptic and scientist, was led by a patient in hypnosis into the idea of Reincarnation.

I know… I’ve heard, many people think this is the strangest thing they’ve ever heard. People laughed and scoffed when I told them where I was going this weekend. My sister has even been called a devil worshiper for our time spent. Hang in there with me. I’ve got a lot to say on the subject. In fact, I think it’s going to take more than one post. Otherwise, I think it might look like I wrote my own book.

First of all let me tell you what he taught me about skepticism. A skeptic is someone that questions things. It is not someone that decides they don’t believe something without ever learning about it or experiencing it. That is an uninformed opinion. He told us right from the beginning that it’s okay to be a skeptic. I can say I fit in that category.

I also learned that Reincarnation and Christianity do not have to be a separate idea. It was actually apart of Christian teachings until 553AD when the Roman Church took it out and claimed any talk of reincarnation was heresy. They thought without the idea of damnation no one would follow their teachings. In December 1945 many of these early Christian teachings were unearthed in Upper Egypt.

There is also a misconception that Heaven can’t be a part of reincarnation. Dr. Weiss’s experience includes time in a place of rest and recuperation, healing and learning, not just zapping from one body to another. There is also no reincarnation to dogs or plants or trees, in his teaching. No black goats, sorry Jules…

I am not trying to say you should all believe in Reincarnation. I’m just saying that its possibilities have been around for a really long time and in more than one religion. I have always been open to the idea that while Jesus was a great teacher, his teachings were in the hands of man and great powers of the church. It is a possibility they didn’t like some of the things he taught and simply disregarded them. Especially 500 years after his death. Nobody even knew him anymore.

The majority of what I learned in our all day session was about energy. Not the kind that Obama and McCain are going on and on about, the kind that radiates from a person. This is something I have always been interested in. I think it’s a verifiable thing. Something we have some scientific facts about and something that I have, myself, experienced.

I can always feel another person’s energy. It doesn’t take a word or action for me to tell how someone is feeling. There is an overwhelming energy that is carried by every person. This is the way I pick the people I want to surround myself with.

In the seminar we went through four, different hypnosis. Two were to determine past lives, one was an energy sharing and one was health and healing.

First of all let me tell you, I love to be hypnotized. When I was in college at Wichita State University studying theater, we did something we called “going to zero”. It is basically a self-hypnosis to calm yourself and let your character become a part of who you are. I loved it! Any reason to lie around breathing deep and totally relaxing~ I’m in!

I like the thought of good energy and light entering my body while you exhale all the bad energy and stress. I am a terribly scattered, neurotic person. I know this. I have trouble compartmentalizing my thoughts. I can’t go from one thing to another without still thinking about the last thing. A little meditation, going to zero, and I am a completely different person.

I like that person better. So, in my search for the calm serene Susanne, I’ve stopped drinking coffee. All hell broke loose on day two, I actually thought I might die from my headache. Today…all better. I am getting up in the morning, making myself some decaf tea and trying to calm my mind. Even more important, between things, work to school, kids to work, I am trying to breath, relax and leave things behind.

I really like the way I have been feeling. I have so much more to say about this weekend and the class, but for now, I am moving on… I’ll tell you about the visualizations later. Let me just leave you with this... guess who believed in reincarnation?

Ben Franklin, Mark Twain, Henry Ford, Freidrich Nietzsche, Ralph Waldo Emerson, General George S. Patton, Albert Schweitzer, Socrates, George Harrison, and Walt Whitman just to name a few.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Drill, Baby Drill

I've been wandering the blog-osphere today, trying to figure out why I don't feel like writing. Maybe it's because I'm damn tired. My daughter had the stomach flu yesterday and much of last night. Very little sleep for me! I fooled myself at first thinking each time... surely her stomach is empty now... then after about the tenth time she puked on the sheets, I decided to "sleep" with her so I could at least thrust the bowl under her chin when she started to retch. Too much information... clearly you aren't a mom.

Anyway, after reading some of my favorite blogs, I came across this one by Kung Fu Monkey. He is a screenwriter and pretty funny fellow. REPUBLICAN FRIENDS WARNING*** you will probably not find humor in this post. Might want to skip this one. Also please don't send hate email , if you do I'll be forced to leave my dirty puke sheets on your doorstep!

Read it and then come back for a short commentary... go ahead... click the link...

Hi, you're back. Okay, truth is I've been to a strip club. I think only once, although I seriously don't think I would commit each time to memory, I'm sure they are all pretty much the same. This line was the one that made me shoot my latte' out my nose.

"Modern American Conservatives have sunk to the intellectual and emotional level of the guy who thinks the stripper really likes him."

I received a really funny email from another dem. friend of mine the other day. It was similar in nature. The email was entitled Sarah Palin Naked, written by a guy named Michael Seitzman and included this little jewel...

"I realized three things tonight. For one, if you are a McCain/Palin/Bush voter, you and I do not have a difference of opinion. We have a difference in brain power. Two, she really is as ignorant as I feared. And, three, she really is kinda hot. Basically, I want to have sex with her on my Barack Obama sheets while my wife reads aloud from the Constitution. (My wife is cool with this if I promise to "first wipe off Palin's tranny makeup." I married well.)"

So my question is... seriously?? Would you "Do" her? She scares the hell out of me. I realize I'm a woman and not fit to judge, but sometimes even straight women can see another female and think, wow! she's hot... SO not the case on this one. When I think of Palin, I think Myra Hindley or Mommy Dearest, certainly not the sexy librarian many men have been talking about lately.

I am a little frightened to think that in this crap shoot of an economy many people are feeling like it really doesn't matter who becomes our next president. I agree it's going to be a long hard battle to change many of the problems we are facing at this time. I do hope though, that the frustration level does not get to the point that we are voting for the babe we would most like to knock boots with, (thats an old saying my uncle used to use~ I still like it).

I'm really not that old, and haven't been voting for a long time, but I have to say NEVER in my voting history have I EVER thought of one of the politicians as someone I would "Do!" Just the thought right now, actually gave me the creeps... or maybe I'm just getting that stomach thing... anyway... I'm also wondering right now, if I will ever be able to hear the phrase "Drill, baby Drill." and not picture Palin given us a wink!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Printing Money

My son wanted to know what the highest denomination of bill he could save for. It started at $100. He wanted to save his allowance until he could trade his dad for an actual $100 bill. Fabulous, I thought, anything to teach him to save his money. My husband told him he thought the highest denomination was $10,000 but that there might be a $100,000 bill. I would do a cartwheel if the kid could save $1000 but whatever...

So this morning we looked on line together to find out what he could save for. We were totally disappointed. The highest bill in print today is the $100. At one time between 1934 and 1935 they printed a $100,000 but only for that short time. We are also no longer printing the $500, the $1000 or the $10,000.

I thought this says alot about our nation and the pickle we are currently in. People don't value good old fashioned cash anymore. It's so much better to have a shiny new CREDIT CARD!

My grandmother is the only one I knew that ever appreciated the good old fashioned dollar. When she died we were going through her clothes. I picked up my favorite dress of hers and for some reason checked the pockets~ out I pulled a $100 bill. We all laughed because she was known for stashing cash around the house. After that we had to check every pocket of every piece of clothing she owned and every nook and cranny of her house.

I guess I should be happy if at seven, my son saves even $100. I just wish we came up with at least a $500 bill just to challenge him!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Write Already Will Ya?

I got yelled at last night for not blogging lately. I know things have gotten in the way. Darling Hubby yelled at me the other day for not writing at all. He said I have the opportunity right now to do something that I love to do and I don’t spend any time doing it at all. He’s right. So today I took the day off of everything else to write.

I know blogging seems a bit like procrastinating, but I’m using it as a warm up. I just thought I’d update you on some of the things that take me away from doing the thing I love the best.

First of all, politics. Part of my family and I disagree very strongly about this years election. I get emails from them everyday questioning and slamming Obama and his ethics. This is the obsessive, neurotic part of me that can not simply hit delete when those messages come in. I spend time researching the issues at hand and then send my best thoughts or facts to debate their ideas. But I’ve decided it takes up too much of my time. I am not going to change their minds and they are not going to change mine, so I’m working on letting it go. I’ll let you know how it goes.

The other night I went to a friend’s house to watch the VP debates. Had a great time with some really fun and like-minded women. I love all my Republican friends, but sometimes it’s just nice to know no matter what you say, no one is going to argue with you. I have to tell you, I loved Saturday Night Live this past Sat. How did they know we were playing a drinking game?

My dog has been taking up a good portion of my time as well. The darling has decided that NO electronic fence will keep him in. He takes the hit and keeps on going. I wanted a big furry beast and I certainly got one. We had to build a fence in the backyard the last two weekends. It is now complete and Big Ass Puppy doesn’t think it’s very funny. He whines and complains worse than my 5-year-old daughter. He’s pretty sure he’s been wrongly accused and jailed. I do have to say it was nice to put up my Halloween decorations on the front porch and not worry that Beasty would ingest them all within a couple of minutes.

Besides all of that, my kids and school take up a huge part of my time. I have this strange guilt about it I can’t seem to shake. Because writing is not a REAL job, no ones paying for me to sit here, I can’t seem to prioritize it. My kids, their activities, their school comes first. Wade keeps telling me there are plenty of other mothers to volunteer in my place, but I can’t give it up.

I love to go on their field trips and to be in their classrooms. I am organizing their assemblies this year, which has been pretty fun. We also have sports and dance we do every week. Right now I only have two days a week with no kids. One of those days I follow them to school and volunteer in their classes.

I think the only option right now for me to write is to get up early or stay up late. That’s how I wrote the last book. For some reason since school started I just haven’t worked out my schedule well.

I just realized this warm up exercise has turned into full on distraction and procrastination. So instead of any more analyzing why I don’t write anymore, I think I’ll get myself another pot of coffee and JUST WRITE!