Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Oscar Goes to...

My thoughts for the day…

It is sunny and snowy out, which happens to be my favorite kind of day. I am suppose to be at a PTO meeting but although there tends to be tons of interesting personalities and conflict I’m not up for the drama lately.

Had one of the best Oscar nights of recent times. I love to watch the Oscars but I am very particular about how it is done. I am not one for parties, in fact I really don’t want anyone around. I won’t answer the phone unless it is a commercial (Tivo is broken) and other than my daughter snuggling up beside me for a couple of minutes I was happily alone for the entire broadcast.

Some interesting points. Gary Busey started the night out with a bang as he molested Jennifer Garner on the red carpet in front of Ryan Seacrest. Ryan was shakin’ in his pants which was pretty funny. I know that guy is off his rocker, (I mean Gary, not Ryan) which is quite possibly helped by some sort of pharmaceuticals, but come on!! It was just a kiss, and it wasn’t even on the mouth. I think the whole thing was way more interesting because of the overreaction it got from the participants.

Okay Diablo Cody. First of all when I am watching the pre show I am stunned when I hear them say, “All of the stars are here tonight, we’ve got John Travolta, Kate Blanchet and Diablo Cody.” WOW! Really! She is the only screenwriter I have heard of in my life referred to as a star.

Let me start by saying I am totally on her side! I love her and her story. Juno was one of the best, funniest movies I have seen, but do you really think she would be getting all of this attention if she wasn’t a pole dancer previously? I really, REALLY want this all to be about her writing, which is fabulous!! But I have a little voice in my head that says, stripper, stripper, stripper… instead of writer, writer, writer.

The dress also needs to be commented upon. Like I said… stripper, stripper, stripper! I know her thing is all about being herself and there is no doubt that dress was picked out by none other than "the star", Diablo Cody. However, I think its time to decide how seriously we want to be taken. It’s great that she wants to be herself but I think from listening to her fairytale story, that she wants to be a writer. So maybe it’s okay to leave the past in the past. Step into those million dollar, diamond shoes and be somebody new. I’m pulling for you Diablo.

Other than that, I have to say I am somewhat disappointed. The movies this year were obscure to say the least. How does a best actress, not only get nominated, but actually win, when her movie has never even been shown in mainstream USA? Can someone please tell me who Javier Bardem is, and how to pronounce his name? I really can’t decide if he is the scariest person ever or the most handsome! Those dimples are huge! By the way, is this the same guy that played Katherine Hiegels bedridden boyfriend in Grey’s?

I thought Jon Stewart was great. I loved when he asked Diablo if she was enjoying the pay cut. I also loved when he was counting pregnant woman and commented that Jack Nicholson was in the room so he would recount later. My favorite part was when he brought Marketa Irglova back onstage to finish her acceptance speech. Maybe the band should wait one second when there is more than one person accepting, just to be sure they don’t have anything to add! That song from Once was the best song and I was happy to see them win.

Overall I would give it a passing grade. I am sorry that the Academy Awards had the lowest ratings ever and I am a little worried about that. Next year it might be on FOX or the TV GUIDE channel. I think if they just pick movies that people have heard of we might have a better shot.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why I Write

I just found this fabulous website. It is http://whywewriteseries.wordpress.com/. They are stories from published and not so published writers, about why they write. I think this is a question that is rarely answered. Why do people do the things they do? I am ALWAYS curious about why someone is doing, whatever it is, they are doing.

WHY do you think, that guy is stopping in the middle of the street, to tie his shoe?

WHY, is she leaving her husband after 12 years?

WHY, is this guy waiting tables, when he thinks Pellegrino is a wine?

Do you think most people even take the time to ask themselves that question? I don’t. I probably spend so much time wondering why everyone is doing whatever it is that they are doing that I never stop to ask myself, why do I care?

SO, I am asking myself right now. Why do I write?
Lets see, there seems to be a million reasons I could go with, lets start with the most obvious. I am a seriously scattered, dramatic, wack job! I can not possibly sort out the butt-zillion things that go on in my head in a single day, unless I write them down. I am a list maker, outliner, hysterical, letter-writing-complainer, soap box stander.

I think that the only way to make any sense, out of the befuddled mess in my head, is to put it on paper. Then, when I take the time to reread what I have written. Sometimes I can see what the heck it was, that was keeping me up at night. Sometimes, it takes other people who read what I wrote, to point out the most obvious positions of my writing, that I never noticed at all. Sometimes they change my mind!

Hallelujah!! Yes!!! My mind can be changed!!

I know that this concept is confusing to many, so I am going to spell it out. Sometimes your thoughts are WRONG!! If I take the time to write something that I am curious or passionate about, sometimes, it really clears my head. I can see with the vision of 20/20, in hindsight, what is misguided about my thinking. I can’t say that I always correct myself, but sometimes. And that my friends, is something.

The other reason I write, which really should not be left unsaid, is because it’s fun. End of story, fade out, last chapter. Why else would you continue to do anything in life. If it’s not fun, STOP DOING IT!!!