Friday, August 28, 2009


I received an email today from my 8-year-old’s teacher. She said that she loves his sense of humor and his positive outlook. I love hearing this. I remember my father-in-law and myself having a conversation when he was little about whether a positive attitude was nature or nurture. I really wanted my kids to have a positive outlook on life.

DH tends to be more of a “realist” (this is a nice way for me to say he’s kind of negative). When something bad happens its because "Bad things ALWAYS happen to him." He expects things to go wrong. He sort of has a "Well that figures" attitude.

I am DH's exact opposite. He calls me Pollyanna. I'm pretty sure that came from my mother. We read a book called Pollyanna written by Eleanor H. Porter when I was a kid. Pollyanna was an orphan who lived with her aunt. Her aunt was sort of mean and nasty, but Pollyanna played a game her father taught her to always find the bright side of things. There have been a few times in my life when I lost my Pollyanna. The funny thing is DH always reminds me, "Where's my Pollyanna?" He sees it as me being sort of naive to the world, always expecting the best, but he also sort of counts on me to be that way.

My son was very much like his dad when he was little. Everything was VERY dramatic! If something went wrong it was the end of the world. He's gotten a lot better as he's gotten older. He lives more on the "Bright Side" now.

We play a game at dinner where the kids have to tell me the best and the worst part of their day. They both ALWAYS have a best, or TWO or THREE to share. The worst is always funny. At least to me…

My 6-year-olds worst, “The fire alarm went off at school today and it scared me and made me cry.”

My son, “They told us over the intercom it was going to happen.”

Daughter, “I know, but it scared me.”

My son’s worst almost always involves some sport. He didn’t make the catch on recess or some total mishap…

“I went to the bathroom and spilled water on my pants so I tried to dry it and it took a long time so I didn’t get my work done and I had to miss a minute of recess to finish.”

I love my kids. I believe they will both end up being a bit more like me in the end. I laugh at everything and try and tell them there’s always a bright side. Who wouldn’t choose that over being a naysayer? I think I'll try and find Pollyanna and read it to them... AND I’m still working on DH too, but don‘t tell him, he hasn‘t realized it yet!

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